“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with
A new government controlled by YOU! the American people!” – Donald J. Trump
The Grand Jury will be meeting on Monday October 5th 2020 at 7:30 PM Eastern in our Monday night conference room for consideration of an Indictment against Judge Seibel, who concealed our Common Law Court in our Action against YouTube, carried us to jurisdictions unknown, and refused to recuse herself. All are welcomed to join us.
At a conference held on August 26th, Judge Seibel stated that Natural Law was abrogated hundreds of years ago when in fact that act of treason was on September 16, 1938. Plaintiffs then asked Judge Seibel if she was going to reveal to the plaintiffs what jurisdiction we were in. Judge Seibel answered “NO”!
At a 2nd conference held on September 25th Judge Seibel refused to recuse herself, refused to hear the Common Law Grand Jury, seized control of our Common Law Grand Jury Court of Record, and carried the Common Law Grand Jury to jurisdictions unknown, and walked out of the court while we were talking.
We will be hearing a 20 min tape of the September 25th conference and then decide on the charges listed below. Our call should not last any more than a half an hour.
To claim the Common Law abrogated is to claim the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its capstone Bill of rights null and void and that would be High Treason. And to refuse to identify the jurisdiction that plaintiffs have been covertly moved under is a violation of their oath.
In the US case of Cooper v. Aaron it was stated that; “Any judge who does not comply with their oath to the Constitution of the United States wars against that Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land. The judge is engaged in acts of treason.”
Charges against Judge Seibel:
1) Concealment of Common Law Court
2) Carrying the Common Law Grand Jury to Jurisdictions unknown
3) Felony rescue
4) Treason
5) Denial of Due Process
- ALSO -
Case Against the IRS, we need People to join the Hearing by phone
Vidurek, et al -v- Pollen, et al
Please find time to attend this hearing, we do not expect it to last more than a half hour. There will be only one speaker on behalf of the plaintiffs; John Darash.
When everyone else calls in you need to state your name and position. You can choose from the following:
*** “Jurist observer with the Common Law Grand Jury” (jurist should not give their name)
- OR -
*** “First Name from Your State, Court Room Observer, here to document the hearing”
Hearing Date and Time – October 7th 2020 @ 12:00 PM Eastern Time
Call in Number: – (877) 336-1839
Access Code: – 1047966#
Do NOT identify yourself unless asked. Please use *6 to MUTE yourself and DO NOT SPEAK during the hearing.
Restore birthright
Is there step by step on this site to restore birthrights
Cases under the EBA-1933-AD- Licence-Authorizations
The EBA-1933-AD is-was a deal-trust on the March 9, 2003-AD.
The current- US-Corp- GSProvider is an escrow-company.
You must establish standing now, and BEFORE they can hear you- the State-Country-Man-Beneficiary-Settlor-Grantor of the DOI-1776-AD. Think ye?
Birth Certificate
I'd like to dothese steps to see if it helps me with my civil/equity case
1 ) authentication of certified security
2 ) establish your trust
3) convey the certificated security to your trust " taking back jurisdiction"
4) create the equitable title for certified security
I would also be including my children's certified security.
the trust being in your kingdom, your estate you have dominion it makes them subjected to the laws of our trust. I'm hoping this is the right direction.
We Own Youtube, Facebook and Twitter
If the story is true, that imposters in our government created YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Shouldn't we take them back and then sell it to the highest bidder. Just Sayin!
Hahaha! I like that
Hahaha! I like that